Meet our team

Both our Aviation and Maritime Programmes are run by teams of specialists with extensive experience in their respective fields and human factor reporting. Where appropriate and agreed beforehand with the reporter, we also collaborate with a network of stakeholders to address reported safety issues effectively and efficiently. 

We are governed by a board of trustees, and we use panels of peers (advisory boards) to review disidentified reports so that we benefit from a broad range of expertise from current practitioners.

Board of trustees

Core charity team

Aviation team

Maritime team

Board of Trustees

Ruth Kaufman OBE, FORS, FIMA, CSci

Chair of Trustees

Glenn Bradley

Head of Flight Operations, UK Civil Aviation Authority

Captain Jeremy Burrows

Captain Don Cockrill MBE

Commander Mike Cripps MEng MBA CEng MIMechE RN

Dr Simon Gill PhD BEng (Hons) CEng MRAeS

Kevin Gregory

Ryan Hall

Captain Jerry Kinder

John Lloyd

Stella Macaskill

Kirsten Riensema MSC, FRaeS

Adelle Roberts FRAeS