External Resources

The link downloads the resource library as an Excel workbook. It contains links to incident investigations, near miss reports and safety alerts issued by governments, agencies and shipping industry sources around the world.

The library was written in Microsoft Excel on a Windows operating system and the browser used for links was Google Chrome. With these in place, all links should open automatically. It has been found that when viewing the files on an Apple Macintosh, that links to the internet tend to open correctly, but links to a specific PDF file do not open. If this is the case, then copy and paste the link into your browser – the requested file should then open.

We should emphasise that that the official source of information is the actual websites of the Agencies included in the workbook. The links to these sites may be found at the top of each sheet of the workbook, and should be consulted for the most current data.

The library was last updated in February 2022

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