Sector: Aviation

  • CHIRP Aviation Annual Report FY2022-23

    FY2022/23 embraced the general return to more normal levels of flying operations as COVID-19 travel and social restrictions were removed in UK. Commercial aviation activities continued their recovery started in Winter 2021/22 as the aviation industry started to benefit from reduced international travel restrictions and returned to more normal operations with fuller schedules being planned.…

  • CAA GA Partnership Community in the Spotlight

    Having recently joined the CAA GA Partnership as a member, CHIRP featured in their recent CAP 2521 ‘Community in the Spotlight’ publication. Click on the link to access the flyer and learn about CHIRP’s role.

  • CHIRP Aviation and the Dirty Dozen

    Food for thought In response to some welcome critiques about CHIRP’s processes and commentaries, we have been experimenting with the use of the Human Factors “Dirty Dozen” within our publication of reports to illustrate more succinctly what the CHIRP Advisory Boards have discussed in relation to a particular report. In doing so, we’re particularly sensitive…

  • Aviation Advisory Boards

    CHIRP conducts investigations by seeking advice from highly experienced expert panels for each specialist area within the Aviation Programme. These panels are called Advisory Boards.   The Advisory Boards are comprised of nominees from the principal aviation safety elements (such as regulators, accident investigators and safety managers), representatives from relevant UK aviation interests (e.g. LAA, BMAA, UK FSC,…

  • Human Factors

    The subject of Human Factors deals with all the human elements of people in man-machine systems. It is not confined to the traditional design and layout of equipment and workplaces, but also covers aspects of manpower, organisation, management and allocation of responsibility, automation, communication, skills, training, health, safety, and the prevention of errors or accidents.…

  • Ground Handling and Security

    The report forms have been designed for commercial and leisure aviation alike. No entry is mandatory, so you can complete as little or as much of the form as you like. However, CHIRP would always prefer as much detail as possible to be able to assist with and understand your concerns. You can save the…

  • General Aviation

    The report forms have been designed for commercial and leisure aviation alike. No entry is mandatory, so you can complete as little or as much of the form as you like. However, CHIRP would always prefer as much detail as possible to be able to assist with and understand your concerns. You can save the…

  • Flight Crew

    The report forms have been designed for commercial and leisure aviation alike. No entry is mandatory, so you can complete as little or as much of the form as you like. However, CHIRP would always prefer as much detail as possible to be able to assist with and understand your concerns. You can save the…