ICASS – International Confidential Aviation Safety Systems Group

The principal objectives of the ICASS Group are:

  • To provide advice and assistance in the start-up and operation of a confidential reporting system.
  • To facilitate the exchange of safety related information between independent confidential aviation reporting systems.
  • To identify solutions to common problems in the operation of such systems.

Group Membership

Membership to the ICASS Group is by invitation. There are two levels of membership, Member and Observer.


Membership with full voting rights. This type of membership is available to Reporting Systems that are:

  • Confidential
  • Independent of commercial and regulatory interests
  • Operating on a national or international level


In attendance by invitation during general business, but may be excluded from sensitive discussions.

This membership status is available to interested third party groups, e.g. Research Institutions, airlines, service providers, manufacturers, representatives of emerging confidential reporting systems.

Current Member Programmes

[Programme start-up dates shown in brackets]

AUSTRALIA – REPCON (formally CAIR) [2006]

BRAZIL -Confidential Flight Safety Report (RCSV) [1997]

CANADA -Confidential Aviation Safety Reporting Program (CASRP) [1985-95] replaced by SECURITAS [1995-present]

CHINA -Sino Confidential Aviation Safety System (SCASS) [2005]

JAPAN -Aviation Safety Information Network (ASI-NET) [1999-2013] replaced by VOICES [2014]

KOREA -Korean confidential Aviation Incident Reporting System (KAIRS)[2000]

SINGAPORE – SINgapore Confidential Aviation Incident Reporting (SINCAIR) [2004]

SPAIN – Safety Reporting System (SRS) [2007]

SOUTH AFRICA – Confidential Aviation Hazard Reporting System (CAHRS) [2013]

TAIWAN -TAiwan Confidential Aviation safety REporting system (TACARE) [2000]

UNITED KINGDOM -Confidential Human Incident Reporting Programme (CHIRP) [1982]

UNITED STATES -Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS) [1976]

The last ICASS meeting was held in December 2022 and was hosted virtually by the Brazilian delegates.

For more information on confidential reporting and/or membership of ICASS, please contact any one of the above programmes.