Bullying, Harassment, Discrimination and Victimisation (BHDV) in Aviation

CHIRP’s sole purpose is to enhance aviation safety by providing an independent confidential reporting function. Within this remit, any aviation-related safety or security issue that gives cause for concern may be reported to CHIRP but we are not able to investigate reports that involve industrial relations, terms and conditions of employment, or personality-based conflicts. UK employment tribunals deal with claims that may be brought against employers by employees relating to their employment; it is not the responsibility of CHIRP to be an arbitrator when employment disputes arise.

However, it is recognised that one-off or repeated instances of BHDV can have a deleterious effect on individual performance, mental health, stress and company culture, and that these in themselves can have second-order safety implications.  Although CHIRP cannot enter into any investigations of BHDV claims, the aggregate of such reports may provide useful insights into the scale of any issue within the aviation sector and the potential impact on safety it may have.

In conjunction with the CAA, CHIRP has therefore implemented a BHDV reporting portal that will log received reports and associated information within the CHIRP confidential database. Only CHIRP staff will have access to these details, there is no connectivity to CAA systems

CHIRP has no specific expertise or resources to investigate reports about BHDV. When BHDV has an impact on safety, CHIRP’s role is to anonymously aggregate the data from associated reports to build a picture of the prevalence of BHDV in the aviation sector, the human factor and safety impacts this may have, and explore improvements that might be made. As part of this, CHIRP will provide the CAA with disidentified, aggregated BHDV statistics and information on a regular basis.

CLICK HERE to report a BHDV concern.

Reporting BHDV

BHDV Definitions

UK Equality Act 2010 protected characteristics

BHDV Support