Sector: Aviation
Air Traffic Control
The report forms have been designed for commercial and leisure aviation alike. No entry is mandatory, so you can complete as little or as much of the form as you like. However, CHIRP would always prefer as much detail as possible to be able to assist with and understand your concerns. You can save the…
Bullying, Harassment, Discrimination and Victimisation (BHDV) in Aviation
By law, employers must do everything they reasonably can to protect staff from BHDV and they must also set out a written grievance procedure that is shared with all employees. CHIRP’s sole purpose is to enhance aviation safety by providing an independent confidential reporting function. Within this remit, any aviation-related safety or security issue that…
Aviation Programme
CHIRP’s Aviation Programme improves safety in the air by providing a totally independent confidential reporting system for all individuals involved in aviation in UK’s airspace. The fundamental principle underpinning CHIRP is that all reports are treated in absolute confidence in order that reporters’ identities are protected – any associated information and concerns or experiences are…
ICASS – International Confidential Aviation Safety Systems Group
CHIRP is a founding member of the International Confidential Aviation Safety Systems (ICASS) Group, which promotes confidential reporting systems worldwide as an effective method of enhancing flight safety in Commercial Air Transport and General Aviation operations. The principal objectives of the ICASS Group are: Group Membership Membership to the ICASS Group is by invitation. There…
Qué hacemos
CHIRP recibe informes confidenciales de incidentes de todos los grupos de la industria de la aviación del Reino Unido; Tripulación de vuelo y tripulación de cabina, aviación general, control de tráfico aéreo, ingeniería y mantenimiento, asistencia en tierra y seguridad y operadores de drones / UAS. Una vez recibidos, los informes son acusados por la…
History of the Aviation Programmes
CHIRP was formed in 1982 as a result of a joint initiative between the Chief Scientific Officer Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), the Chief Medical Officer CAA and the Commandant Royal Air Force Institute of Aviation Medicine (IAM). The programme was based on the Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS) that had been formed in the United…