Maritime Advisory Boards

Individual members are invited onto the boards in recognition of their experience in one or more specific maritime sectors or their knowledge of human factors. Members of the MABs are independent and do not act as representatives of their parent organisations.

We regularly review the composition of the MABs to ensure that membership reflects the diversity and breadth of the maritime sector.




Commander Gavin Marshall RN


Lt Cdr David Carter MNM

Vice Chair – Full Time Reserve Service Royal Navy

David Appleton

Professional and Technical Assistant, Nautilus International

Captain Dennis Barber

Principal Consultant, Marico Marine

Andrew Bell

Senior Business Development Manager – Maritime Surveys, BMT

Cor Blonk

Secretary of Labour Affairs – Pelagic Freezer-trawler Association (PFA)

Matt Bowden

Director & General Manager – Red Penguin Marine

Alan Cartwright BSc MA CEng FIMarEST FIMechE

Director, Blabey Engineering Ltd

Captain Don Cockrill MBE

Dr. Jonathan Earthy

Human Factors Coordinator, Lloyd’s Register Foundation

Robert Greenwood

Safety and Training Officer, National Federation of Fishermen`s Organisation (NFFO)

Nick Hough

International Marine Contractors Association

Dr. Claire Pekcan

Director, Safe Marine Ltd

Captain Hywel Jones Pugh MNI

Chairman UK Marine Pilot Association

Clive Rees

Marine Surveyor, Charles Taylor & Co

Caleb Danladi

Dr. Suzanne Stannard

Steve Window


Elegene Elevado

Captain John Wright

Managing Director, WrightWay

Nicholas Iodice

Anshul Kapoor

Viji Kurien

Commander Nik Lucocq 

Captain Andrew Parker

Mike Pearson

Jack Prendergast

Naoki Saito

Michael Walsh

Denis Vuckovic

Dean Whitson