Drones are about people, too…

Even if the perception is that some craft are ‘autonomous’, people are still a key part of the system

Welcome to Drone FEEDBACK Edition 6. So, what sort of reports have we seen and are there any trends emerging since the issue of FEEDBACK Edition 5?

Well, we have seen a majority of Human Factors reports of course, but we have now received our first Just Culture report, which we are currently working on. Whilst we do not review it in this issue, we are hoping we can report in full in the next issue of FEEDBACK which will be issued around March / April of 2023. Even if the perception of RPAS is they are becoming more autonomous, people are still a key part of the system and ensuring they are taking account of Human Factors implications and feel they are working in a Just Culture is essential. Do look out for FEEDBACK Edition 7 when it emerges.

The other reports cover a variety of different types of occurrences, but it is interesting to note that the subject of map source data accuracy in the context of geofencing occurs again. There is also another report about publishing design limits, where we could perhaps recommend they are included in what is required for Class (C) marking in the future.

As many of you know, CHIRP has developed and is promulgating the use of a confidential, independent reporting programme for Human Factors “HF” and Just Culture occurrences, or near occurrences, arising from the operation of drones or Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS). The aim is that drone pilots, who are in many cases relatively new to the world of aviation, will be able to benefit from lessons learnt and existing practices that have developed within the aviation sector, over many years, for crewed aircraft. Many of the same theories that apply to crewed aircraft apply equally to aircraft with remote pilots. If all of us can learn from an event that happened to one individual and might happen to another, it is to everyone’s advantage to be able to do so. CHIRP is the conduit for individuals to share their experience of HF occurrences safely and confidentially in a way that enables many others to learn from them. FEEDBACK is CHIRP’s regular publication that seeks to communicate the occurrences we are informed about, draw some lessons, and pass them on to flyers who might benefit. We hope you find them useful.

We would again like to thank those who have taken time to send in a report. Without you, others would have missed out on learning something. We are very grateful to those that have altruistically shared the benefit of their experience. As winter approaches its time to burnish those weather forecasting skills. For those looking to capture inspection and survey data, at least there will be less vegetation obscuring what you are trying to look at!!

Rupert Dent, Drone/UAS Programme Manager