Captain Tim Cheal

On leaving School in 1977, Tim joined the RAF as a pilot. He served in the RAF for 20 years where he operated Harrier aircraft in the UK, USA and Germany. He spent much of his time on instructional duties with formal instructional appointments on the Jet Provost, Hawk and Harrier aircraft. His final tour in the RAF was as a Board of Inquiry Advisor, working closely with the AAIB investigating RAF aircraft accidents.

In 1997, Tim joined Airtours as a Boeing 757 First Officer. He gained Command on the Boeing 757 and 767 in 1999 and has since progressed as Line Training Captain, TRI, TRE and Senior Examiner. He has filled the roles of Flight Safety Officer, Fleet Operations Manager and Fleet Manager and was appointed as the Head of Training (Training Post holder) in November 2005. During this time Airtours rebranded as MyTravel Airways, and then merged with Thomas Cook Airlines in 2008. Tim moved to the Airbus fleet in 2014, flying both the A320/1 and A330 aircraft in long and short haul operations. In 2016 Tim left his Training post holder role to return to Airbus line operations as a TRE, SE and TRI Tutor. Since September 2019, when Thomas Cook ceased operations, Tim has regained his B757/767 qualification and has been working as a simulator TRI/TRE and SE on both Airbus and Boeing types.