Captain David Carter MN joined Shell Tankers (U.K.) Ltd as Deck Cadet in 1980, gained his Master’s certificate in 1992, command in 1998 and continued with Shell as Master until 2012. During his last four years with Shell he was lead master of the Qatar Gas LNG fleet, having stood by, delivered and performed the first cargo on the first Q-Max LNG carrier MOZAH, the largest gas carrier ever built. He followed this with two 2014 commands with Dynagas in new build Ice class duel fuel diesel electric LNG carriers built for the Arctic Northern Sea Route transits.
He is a Bachelor of Laws, Younger Brother of Trinity House and MNI.
He has been a Royal Naval Reservist since 1997, latterly sailing in MOD chartered commercial shipping as an RN Liaison Officer until September 2014 and is now Lieutenant Commander on Full Time Reserve Service as the Royal Navy’s Merchant Navy Liaison Officer.