Health Matters!

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Health Matters!

The majority of reports coming to CHIRP Maritime, as well as most of the emphasis in our publications, have been on risks to vessels and to personal safety. Injury risks are featured, but shortcomings in the prevention or management of illness have rarely been covered.

Our close collaboration with the International Seafarers Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN) and our continued support for the fishing industry, indicate there is an increase in health related incident reports that CHIRP could usefully consider.

CHIRP now encourages reporters to contact us when they identify shortcomings in the management of work related health risks, especially where there is non-compliance with the health requirements and recommendations derived from ILO Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC), and the Work in Fishing Convention  that will come into force from 16  November  2017.

We plan to feature articles and presentations to inform and encourage reporting of work related health risks and to include examples of non-compliance with health provisions listed in the Conventions. Reporters are invited to use the customary method of reporting to CHIRP.


Report Ends.