The Charity
The following short reports highlight occurrences which recur and will be familiar to many readers.
If this is so, then the question has to be “WHY?” are we not learning from previous errors?
In CASE 1, a bulldog grip U bolt had slipped out of position on a lifeboat lashing. It was found that the grips were fitted incorrectly, and had also been subjected to wear and tear over a period of time.
In CASE 2, a fresh water generator was cleaned with chemicals without using facemask and rubber gloves.
In CASE 3, the boom of a main deck crane was heaved up, without taking out the securing turnbuckle, from the rest stand. This caused deformation to the plate to which the lug had been welded.
In CASE 4, oxygen and acetylene cylinders were not properly stowed and secured, and were about to fall onto the deck.
In CASE 1, routine inspections had been ineffective: the bulldog grip slipped, and had been incorrectly fitted. Wear and tear was evident.
In CASE 2, face shields, aprons, and gloves should be provided at chemicals lockers and used by the crew when handling chemicals.
In CASE 3, improper preparation, haste, and inadequate supervision were the probable causes. Every lifting operation using the ship’s crane should apply good seamanship practices, be properly planned within the prevailing conditions, and be appropriately supervised by a competent officer. The lifting appliance should be operated by a competent, well trained crew member.
In CASE 4, routine checks should be carried out before, during and on completion of any job. Effective housekeeping can eliminate many hazards and help get a job done safely. Poor housekeeping frequently contributes to accidents by hiding hazards that cause injury or damage. Unsecured equipment, especially in heavy, weather is a common case in point.
A COMMON THEME. All jobs, whether routine or otherwise, should be planned and discussed in advance. Toolbox talks give opportunity for everyone to speak up over concerns and for the responsible person to brief the approach. View worksites to ensure that there are no hazards in advance. Ensure that jobs are effectively supervised.