We encourage seafarers to submit examples of bad design. Please include photographs, since a picture speaks a thousand words! We can share two such reports with you here.
What did the reporter tell us?
A photograph of a poorly designed pilot boarding area. The pipes are tripping hazards and there is an irony of positioning them in an area that has a clear to read sign stenciled onto the deck telling people to keep the area clear. Also, please find attached a photo showing poor design onboard a ship I piloted. I am 188 cm tall and as you can see, the light fitting comes down to less than 180,cm right in the middle of the bridge toilet room. I have found this same situation on a number of vessels. Although it didn’t cause injury it has the potential to do so.

CHIRP Comment
The risks associated with the walkway design hazards had clearly not been reduced to ‘As Low as Reasonably Practical’ (ALARP) and creates an unacceptable risk of personal injury as a result of a slip, trip or fall. The risk should have been mitigated by a post build design initiative to have a grated walkway over the top of the pipes.
Please refer to article in Alert! Number 01275.
CHIRP comment on the second photograph, the minimum head clearance at all locations onboard is stipulated as 2.1 Metres: This was not complied with in this case.