Near Collision 2 – Restricted Availability - Near Collision 2 - Restricted Availability

Initial Report

Report Text:

In poor visibility we detected a vessel on radar fine on the port bow. The plot indicated he was passing clear down the port side; I was unhappy with the CPA and asked the watch officer to alter to stbd.  As we started to swing, the watch officer observed the other ship at about 2 miles altering to port which would have put us in a close quarters situation or worse. We immediately went hard a port and passed down the stbd side of the other ship and close enough to read her name despite the poor visibility. When I called the other vessel to ask why she had altered to port, the reply was “We agreed to pass green to green”. I don’t know to whom he spoke, but it definitely was not my ship. In this case the situation was salvaged by the alertness of the watch officer – proving that thankfully, not all youngsters lack the requisite qualities.

CHIRP Comment:

There are a number of aspects of this report which the Maritime Advisory Board found of interest:

CHIRP Comment