Coaster Too Close - Coaster Too Close

Initial Report

Report Text:

Own vessel, a coaster, was approaching N.E Cross Sand buoy which was 1m on port bow. Our speed 5 knots.

Another coaster was overtaking on my starboard side and closing.  She overtook me on my starboard side at a distance of 0.07 cbls, then crossed my bow to the port side and altered course around the above buoy I kept my course and speed as per rules as he was overtaking V/L.

In the middle of the North Sea this would not seem to be good practice.

CHIRP Comment:

We suspect that the reporter meant to say 0.07 miles rather than 0.07 cables.  Even so, this close passing distance, followed by alteration of course by the overtaking vessel across the bow of the reporting vessel, appears to have caused unnecessary risk. It illustrates the point we have made in the editorial.

We have passed the report to the manager of the other vessel.

CHIRP Comment