Engine Room Procedures - Engine Room Procedures

Initial Report


Report Text:

My offshore support vessel was standing by a drilling rig. We were using our dynamic positioning system.  The ship’s propulsion is generated by four diesel electric generators.  The propulsion system is combination of two bow thrusters and two stern azimuth pods. The engine room watch consists of one engineer always on watch.  The charterer’s standing orders are to maintain constant watch in engine room during DP operations, and, depending on power load, 2 or 3 diesel generators are always to be running.

On this occasion, the weather deteriorated. Rain squalls were frequently passing with wind gusts up to force 7, with swell to 1.5 metres. The engine room was attended but only one generator was running.

In summary:

There was no damage but what could happen in such circumstances? Losing position close to a rig could lead to contact with it. Furthermore, with only one generator on line, there was an increased risk of a full blackout, resulting in a major incident.

Lessons learned:

CHIRP Comment:

We are keen to receive more reports from the Offshore Sector, and also on incidents from all sectors relating to marine engineering issues. We are therefore pleased to publish this report. We endorse the lessons learned described by the reporter.

CHIRP Comment