Safety when handling tugs - Safety when handling tugs

Initial Report


CHIRP has received a number of reports relating to communication and procedures when handling tugs and during mooring operations. Two high risk incidents are detailed below.

What the reporter told us (1)

The assisting tugs in this East African port utilize vessel-provided lines when docking and undocking.  The docking pilots routinely ask for the best line and then wait while the tugs make fast.  Communication with the tugs – when making fast, letting go or working the vessel – is generally conducted in Swahili.  While making fast, particularly on departure, the tugs take a heavy strain on the line as it is paid out to them, and there is much screaming from the tug for “Slack, slack!”  The vessel will be instructed to make fast the line while the tug is still moving away from the vessel, and there is still a heavy strain on the line.  This type of evolution puts crew members involved at risk of serious injury.

While this situation was last observed on 28 December 2016, it has been witnessed by the reporter for at least the past 7 years.

The reporter advised the following lessons have been learned:

  1. Request pilots to converse in English, or confirm their orders to the tugs in English as soon as they are given, so the bridge team can maintain awareness.
  2. Closely monitor the evolution when making tugs fast. The Chief Officer or Master should monitor the process and bring any unsafe actions to the pilot’s attention.
  3. Pilots in this port do not appear cognizant of the effect of reduced manning on the speed of mooring evolutions. With only three crew forward and three aft, multiple tasks (i.e. heaving in mooring lines and making fast the tug) cannot be completed at the same time.
  4. Deck officers on the bow and stern have been instructed to put the eye at the bitter end of the tug line on a bitt to ensure the tug does not pull the entire line off the vessel, as has happened in the past.
  5. Crew on the bow and stern are instructed to stand clear of the line as it is being paid out, and maintain control of the line by having at least one round turn on a bitt.
  6. Crew are instructed that, if excessive force is put on the line by a tug, they must get clear and take cover. Tug lines have parted in this port in the past when sudden loads were placed on them

What the Third Party told us (1)

CHIRP wrote to the Director General of the port in question and also the Port Manager. There was no response and the matter was followed up, but still without a response, which from a government department is most disappointing.


What the reporter told us (2)

Vessel commenced unmooring operations from berth No 2 of the terminal at 05:24 hrs/lt.

Following the unmooring plan agreed with the pilot during the Master/Pilot exchange process, headlines and stern lines were released first, and then the breast lines.

During the last stages of unmooring the pilot ordered the tug skippers to pull the vessel away from the dock without first releasing the spring lines. During the pulling operation, the forward spring mooring tail parted.

Parted mooring tail following recovery of mooring line

The investigation noted that:

It was concluded that the incident was caused due to improper instructions from the pilot to the tug skippers, inadequate monitoring of pilot orders by the vessel’s Master and OOW, and inadequate communication procedures between the pilot and the bridge team.


CHIRP Comment

Having discussed these reports, the Maritime Advisory Board recommends the use of best and now common practice whereby only the use of tugs lines is permitted – a system utilised in the vast majority of ports. The Board emphasised that handling lines with tugs involves risk which can be mitigated with proper planning and that specific guidance is needed for ships crews when ships lines have to be used for tug operations. This includes;

Although the port is not named in the report it is known, and there is absolutely no tidal or other reason for the tugs to start pulling off before all lines are sighted and clear. Thus, this case would appear to be about communication, complacency, and (possibly) time pressure. It is absolutely essential that relevant personnel are clear of tugs’ lines prior to the tugs pulling/pushing, so effective communication between the Pilot / Master / Bridge Team and the mooring stations is vital.

Effective communication is vital throughout all mooring and tug handling operations. Where English is not the common language then pilots communicating in their native tongue to the tugs is advisable, but the context of the discussion must be reported to the Master and thence to the mooring stations, preferably before the instruction is given.

People are still being killed and injured in mooring and line handling operations, so the foregoing is not simply common sense – it is essential advice.

Report Ends

CHIRP Comment