Team: Maritime
Dr. Jonathan Earthy
22 years’ experience as Principal Human Factors Specialist for Lloyd’s Register coordinating Human Factors/Ergonomics/Human Element technical capability and marine product development. UK delegate for ISO TC159 since 1985, editing Human Centred design process standards. Previously a Consultant for BP.
Alan Cartwright BSc MA CEng FIMarEST FIMechE
Alan Cartwright is Director of consultancy Blabey Engineering Limited. He served in the Royal Navy from 1975 until 1998 in a variety of sea appointments, including Senior Engineer HMY Britannia (1991-94), and shore postings including marine gas turbine R&D (1987-89) and warship refit superintendent (1996-98). As Head of Marine Engineering to the Port of London…
Andrew Bell
Senior Business Development Manager – Maritime Surveys, BMT Andrew joined BMT in 2023 and works with their Marine Incident Investigations, Surveys and Consultancy team. He previously spent seven years with a leading international law firm conducting casualty investigations and providing technical advice across the marine and international trade practice. He also spent six years with…
Captain Dennis Barber
Consultancy in Marine related projects including Navigation risk including ships, harbours and offshore energy installations, Shipboard Operational Risk and Accident and Incident Investigations. Providing Technical Advice to the Parliamentary Select Committee, Legal Practices including in court (Expert Witness) and IMO Technical Committees. Regulatory Ship Inspections for Bahamas Maritime Authority. Investigations of Marine Accidents and Incidents…
David Appleton
David joined Nautilus International in 2013 having previously worked as third officer for Princess Cruises and Deck Cadet for Maersk Line. He holds a BSc in Maritime Studies (Merchant Shipping) from the University of Plymouth and an OOW Unlimited ticket.
Lt Cdr David Carter MNM
Captain David Carter MN joined Shell Tankers (U.K.) Ltd as Deck Cadet in 1980, gained his Master’s certificate in 1992, command in 1998 and continued with Shell as Master until 2012. During his last four years with Shell he was lead master of the Qatar Gas LNG fleet, having stood by, delivered and performed the…
Commander Gavin Marshall RN
A Chartered Marine Engineer, Gavin is currently the Head of the Operating Safety Group with responsibility for the day to day safety management of the Royal Navy’s surface ships. Having served in the RN for 17 years he has fulfilled a range of roles including Chief Engineer (MEO) at sea, operability engineer for the new…