Reporting to CHIRP

You can share incident reports with our trusted team of experts via our app, or website:

Reports to CHIRP are always confidential. We never share any identifiable details you provide when reporting an incident to us. Any learnings we share from your reports with the industry are made completely anonymous and untraceable. Our reporting process requires you to input a personal email address to receive a personalised link to the CHIRP reporting system. You will then be invited to complete relevant elements of a reporting questionnaire to record your concerns. All reports are treated in absolute confidence so that reporters’ identities are protected – we never pass personal information to any other organisation. Only once agreed by those who have reported, we follow up with the relevant organisations so that the necessary action can be taken. 

The reports we receive focus on safety and human factor issues which can cover but are not limited to:

Design and use of equipment

Communication gaps

Rules, procedures and regulations

Skills, performance and training

Workplace culture and management

Bullying, harassment, discrimination and victimisation*

*we provide a dedicated reporting function for BHDV

While CHIRP is a valuable mechanism for reporting, it is important to note that we do not replace mandatory reporting systems. Sending a report to CHIRP does not alleviate any legal obligation that may be placed upon you to submit a report to the appropriate authorities.