Welcome to the CHIRP Skydiving & Parachuting confidential reporting portal.

We are still developing a fully integrated Skydiving & Parachuting process but we are keen to enable reporting before that is rolled out and so we have set up this interim system that is based on our existing General Aviation reporting portal.  

As such, we recognise that many of the reporting questions and fields may not be relevant to Skydiving & Parachuting but we ask you to bear with us and complete as many as you are able to and feel are relevant.

The most important areas to complete are within Step 5 which provides free-text fields to enter your main points and description of the issue.

In addition to the existing reporting fields, we have developed some more specific Skydiving & Parachuting questions at Step 6 that will be attached to your report as a text document.  Please complete as many of these fields as you feel appropriate, the more you give us the better our understanding will be.

You can also upload your own documents with relevant information, pictures or videos etc at Step 7 of the process, (maximum 20MB).