Kevin Gregory

Following time at sea as a Navigating Officer, Kevin joined the Port of London Authority where he ultimately served as the Vessel Traffic Services Manager. This was coupled with service as the International Harbour Masters Association representative to the International Maritime Organization and as Chair of the European Sea Ports Organisation Marine Affairs Committee, representing the professional and technical interests of the ports sector on an international basis.

Joining the International Association of Lighthouse Authorities and Marine Aids to Navigation (IALA), Kevin was actively involved in international standards development, implementation and capacity building. Now employed by Trinity House as Head of Planning and Commercial, Kevin oversees the deployment of a fleet of vessels and aviation assets to maintain a diverse range of marine aids to navigation and risk response services as well as delivering a sustainable pipeline of commercial income.

Remaining active internationally, Kevin serves on the IALA Aids to Navigation Requirements and Management Committee as a member of the United Kingdom delegation. Kevin holds an honours degree in Law and also serves as a Magistrate.