Sector: Aviation

  • Cabin Crew

    The report forms have been designed for commercial and leisure aviation alike. No entry is mandatory, so you can complete as little or as much of the form as you like. However, CHIRP would always prefer as much detail as possible to be able to assist with and understand your concerns. You can save the…

  • BHDV

    The report forms have been designed for commercial and leisure aviation alike. No entry is mandatory, so you can complete as little or as much of the form as you like. However, CHIRP would always prefer as much detail as possible to be able to assist with and understand your concerns. You can save the…

  • Air Traffic Control

    The report forms have been designed for commercial and leisure aviation alike. No entry is mandatory, so you can complete as little or as much of the form as you like. However, CHIRP would always prefer as much detail as possible to be able to assist with and understand your concerns. You can save the…

  • Bullying, Harassment, Discrimination and Victimisation (BHDV) in Aviation

    By law, employers must do everything they reasonably can to protect staff from BHDV and they must also set out a written grievance procedure that is shared with all employees. CHIRP’s sole purpose is to enhance aviation safety by providing an independent confidential reporting function. Within this remit, any aviation-related safety or security issue that…

  • Aviation Programme

    CHIRP’s Aviation Programme improves safety in the air by providing a totally independent confidential reporting system for all individuals involved in aviation in UK’s airspace.  The fundamental principle underpinning CHIRP is that all reports are treated in absolute confidence in order that reporters’ identities are protected – any associated information and concerns or experiences are…

  • ICASS – International Confidential Aviation Safety Systems Group

    CHIRP is a founding member of the International Confidential Aviation Safety Systems (ICASS) Group, which promotes confidential reporting systems worldwide as an effective method of enhancing flight safety in Commercial Air Transport and General Aviation operations.   The principal objectives of the ICASS Group are: Group Membership Membership to the ICASS Group is by invitation. There…

  • 我们做什么

    CHIRP收到来自英国航空业所有团体的机密事件报告;Flight Crew & Cabin Crew, General Aviation, Air Traffic Control, Engineering & Maintenance, Ground Handling & Security and Drone/UAS operators。 收到报告后,由CHIRP秘书处确认,分配一个唯一的参考标识,并尽可能通过电子邮件,信件或电话与报告员进行讨论和验证。 匿名报告通常不会对其执行操作,因为它们无法进行验证。 CHIRP还提供独立的机密报告功能,用于报告欺凌,骚扰,歧视和受害(BHDV)。 人们认识到,BHDV的一次性或重复实例可能对个人表现,心理健康,压力和公司文化产生有害影响,并且这些本身可能具有二级安全影响。 因此,CHIRP与CAA一起实施了BHDV报告门户,该门户将在CHIRP机密数据库中记录收到的报告和相关信息。 只有CHIRP员工才能访问这些详细信息,没有连接到CAA系统。 CHIRP没有特定的专业知识或资源来调查有关BHDV的报告,我们的角色是匿名汇总相关报告中的数据,以建立BHDV在航空领域的流行情况,这可能产生的人为因素和安全影响,并探索可能做出的改进。 作为其中的一部分,CHIRP将向CAA提供不识别的,汇总的BHDV统计数据和信息 在收到与安全相关的报告后,CHIRP秘书处将审查这些信息,以确定促成因素,并确定和支持任何可能适当的纠正行动或决议。 在确保报告包含所有相关信息后,只有在报告员同意的情况下,才会向适当的机构提出关注,然后向报告者被告知对其报告采取的任何行动。 在与第三方组织的讨论中,只使用不识别的信息,从而确保记者在与外部组织的任何接触中的机密性。 在征得记者同意的情况下,在流程结束时,将在相关的CHIRP“反馈”通讯中发布不识别的报告,相关机构的评论和汇总的CHIRP评论,以传播更广泛的社区感兴趣的任何经验教训或人为因素问题。 进一步的不识别(例如时间和地点,公司,记者的性别)通常在反馈中发布或向其他机构提供数据之前进行。 反馈通讯包括单独标题为“航空运输”(ATFB),“机组人员”(CCFB),“通用航空”(GAFB),“地勤与安全”(GHSFB)和无人机/ UAS“(DUASFB);每份报告都包含与这些部门特别相关的报告和当前主题。 ATFB每年通过电子邮件向所有商业许可的飞行员,空中交通管制员和工程人员分发四次。 GAFB也主要通过电子邮件每年四次分发,一些硬拷贝被发送到培训组织,飞行俱乐部和空中交通管制单位。 由于没有机组人员电子邮件联系方式的集中记录,CCFB主要通过主要航空公司以硬拷贝和电子方式分发,并向那些向CHIRP提供电子邮件详细信息的人提供额外的电子分发。 GHSFB是一份偶尔的出版物,通过组织以硬拷贝形式分发,DUASFB以电子方式分发给英国无人机登记册上的那些人。 在反馈中发布后(或者当CHIRP调查过程结束时,如果没有),报告将被关闭,报告者的所有个人详细信息将从CHIRP报告系统中删除,以便保持未来的机密性;只有不识别的信息和唯一的参考标识保留在CHIRP数据库中。 因此,在删除个人信息后,CHIRP无法随后联系到记者。 但是,如果记者愿意,可以通过引用参考标识来就报告与CHIRP办公室联系。 随后汇总保留的不识别信息以分析关键主题和趋势,并定期处理相关的匿名情报,以提交给CAA(SARG)安全调查和数据部门。 除了通过咨询委员会提名人与相关机构保持联系外,CHIRP还通过访问和介绍与商业和通用航空业的主要机构保持定期联系。 CHIRP还在许多英国航空安全机构中设有代表,包括英国飞行安全委员会(UK FSC)和通用航空安全委员会(GASCo),并与其他英国和国际航空人为因素和安全团体保持密切联系。