The Maritime Advisory Boards (MAB) provides subject-matter expertise and guidance to the Director Maritime in the analysis and resolution of received reports.
Individual members are invited onto the boards in recognition of their experience in one or more specific maritime sectors or their knowledge of human factors. Members of the MABs are independent and do not act as representatives of their parent organisations.
We regularly review the composition of the MABs to ensure that membership reflects the diversity and breadth of the maritime sector.

Commander Gavin Marshall RN

Commander Gavin Marshall RN
A Chartered Marine Engineer, Gavin is currently the Head of the Operating Safety Group with responsibility for the day to day safety management of the Royal Navy’s surface ships. Having served in the RN for 17 years he has fulfilled a range of roles including Chief Engineer (MEO) at sea, operability engineer for the new aircraft carriers, post maintenance and capability assessment through delivery of marine engineering trials, performance assurance for a class of ships and engineering training delivery.

Lt Cdr David Carter MNM
Vice Chair – Full Time Reserve Service Royal Navy

Lt Cdr David Carter MNM
Vice Chair – Full Time Reserve Service Royal Navy
Captain David Carter MN joined Shell Tankers (U.K.) Ltd as Deck Cadet in 1980, gained his Master’s certificate in 1992, command in 1998 and continued with Shell as Master until 2012. During his last four years with Shell he was lead master of the Qatar Gas LNG fleet, having stood by, delivered and performed the first cargo on the first Q-Max LNG carrier MOZAH, the largest gas carrier ever built. He followed this with two 2014 commands with Dynagas in new build Ice class duel fuel diesel electric LNG carriers built for the Arctic Northern Sea Route transits.
He is a Bachelor of Laws, Younger Brother of Trinity House and MNI.
He has been a Royal Naval Reservist since 1997, latterly sailing in MOD chartered commercial shipping as an RN Liaison Officer until September 2014 and is now Lieutenant Commander on Full Time Reserve Service as the Royal Navy’s Merchant Navy Liaison Officer.

David Appleton
Professional and Technical Assistant, Nautilus International

David Appleton
Professional and Technical Assistant, Nautilus International
David joined Nautilus International in 2013 having previously worked as third officer for Princess Cruises and Deck Cadet for Maersk Line.
He holds a BSc in Maritime Studies (Merchant Shipping) from the University of Plymouth and an OOW Unlimited ticket.

Captain Dennis Barber
Principal Consultant, Marico Marine

Captain Dennis Barber
Principal Consultant, Marico Marine
Consultancy in Marine related projects including Navigation risk including ships, harbours and offshore energy installations, Shipboard Operational Risk and Accident and Incident Investigations.
Providing Technical Advice to the Parliamentary Select Committee, Legal Practices including in court (Expert Witness) and IMO Technical Committees.
Regulatory Ship Inspections for Bahamas Maritime Authority. Investigations of Marine Accidents and Incidents for Bahamas Maritime Authority and Loss Assessment of Insurance.

Andrew Bell
Senior Business Development Manager – Maritime Surveys, BMT

Andrew Bell
Senior Business Development Manager – Maritime Surveys, BMT
Senior Business Development Manager – Maritime Surveys, BMT
Andrew joined BMT in 2023 and works with their Marine Incident Investigations, Surveys and Consultancy team. He previously spent seven years with a leading international law firm conducting casualty investigations and providing technical advice across the marine and international trade practice. He also spent six years with Zodiac Maritime, engaged with the Safety Management of their large fleet of tankers, container ships, car carriers and bulk carriers. He served 13 years as a deck officer with the Royal Fleet Auxiliary, on operations with most vessel types worldwide, before a period in fleet management at Navy Command HQ in Portsmouth. He started his career with 8 years as an officer in the Royal Navy, followed by a spell involving trials of new build warships and work on a small research vessel and a large motor yacht. He holds a valid Master’s Certificate of Competency and a Graduate Diploma in Law obtained part time from BPP University, London. He was elected a Fellow of the Nautical Institute (FNI) in 2013. Outside of work, he has served as volunteer lifeboat crew on the Thames at Teddington since 2002

Cor Blonk
Secretary of Labour Affairs – Pelagic Freezer-trawler Association (PFA)

Cor Blonk
Secretary of Labour Affairs – Pelagic Freezer-trawler Association (PFA)
With a background as safety and fire safety expert, Cor Blonk started his career in the fishing industry 20 years ago in the position of Secretary of Labour Affairs of the Dutch Pelagic Shipowners Association of high sea fisheries and the Pelagic Freezer-trawler Association, a European pelagic shipowners association.
In his profession, Cor is involved in a large spectrum of crew related topics, such as collective bargaining agreements, implementation in national legislation of international legislation as IMO STCW-F, ILO Work in Fishing Convention and EU directives, safety and health on board. He was the initiator and is secretariat of the Fishing industry Safety and Health Platform. Furthermore, he is a key stakeholder from the side of the fishing industry with respect to maritime education and training in The Netherlands.
Cor has been involved in the development of IMO/ILO/FAO Safety Recommendations for Decked fishing vessels of Less than 12 metres in Length and undecked fishing vessels, took part in the negotiations on the Work in Fishing Convention at the ILO in 2004, 2005 and 2007 and is a member of the Dutch delegation to IMO HTW for the comprehensive review of IMO STCW-F during HTW 3, 4, 5 and 6 and during the negotiations on the Cape Town Agreement.

Matt Bowden
Director & General Manager – Red Penguin Marine

Matt Bowden
Director & General Manager – Red Penguin Marine
As a Company Director and the General Manager at Red Penguin Marine, Matt delivers the effective, smooth running of the Red Penguin Marine group, its projects and engagement across the global subsea sector. Recently he has been involved in advice on global subsea telecommunications cables and interconnectors, and the first US Offshore Wind project in Martha’s Vineyard.
Throughout a 25-year maritime career he has acquired a panoply of both operational and strategic experience in the subsea cable industry and the military, commanding at sea and latterly ashore at the UK’s Middle East Communications and Information Systems Headquarters. His Royal Navy career saw him specialise in communications, electronic warfare, and surveillance systems; this technical expertise sees him advise and consult for international military and civilian agencies, as well as multiple UK Government Departments.
More recently he has worked in the private maritime and military sectors, advising multinational and small to medium sized companies on maritime technical innovation and all aspects of marine telecommunications across subsea, space and ground segments.
A dynamic decision maker, influencer, and transformational leader able to recognise and address organisational challenges, he ensures Red Penguin responds to customer demands and ever-changing external factors. His involvement with CHIRP stems from a desire to further improve safety at sea and the accountability of companies and nations to their seafarers.

Alan Cartwright BSc MA CEng FIMarEST FIMechE
Director, Blabey Engineering Ltd

Alan Cartwright BSc MA CEng FIMarEST FIMechE
Director, Blabey Engineering Ltd
Alan Cartwright is Director of consultancy Blabey Engineering Limited. He served in the Royal Navy from 1975 until 1998 in a variety of sea appointments, including Senior Engineer HMY Britannia (1991-94), and shore postings including marine gas turbine R&D (1987-89) and warship refit superintendent (1996-98).
As Head of Marine Engineering to the Port of London Authority (1998-2013), Alan updated fleet operations and provided engineering advice to the PLA’s executive and main boards. He also supported the UK ports’ sector, the UK DfT and the MCA on a variety of legislative, technical and environmental issues.
Recently Commercial Manager at Warsash Maritime Academy (2014-2017), he developed specialist training packages and managed all tracts. At international conferences, Alan chairs discussion on a variety of maritime subjects, as well as advising industry bodies and UK Government departments on competencies, safety and standards for seafarers and ships.
Alan is a Chartered Engineer, a Fellow of the IMechE and the IMarEST, a Freeman of the City of London and a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Shipwrights.

Captain Don Cockrill MBE

Captain Don Cockrill MBE
A chartered master mariner, Younger Brother of Trinity House in London and a Fellow of the Nautical Institute, he commenced his maritime career in 1973.
Following eighteen years of a commercial seafaring career during which he progressed from cadet to master specialising in petrochemicals, he joined the Port of London Authority as a pilot in 1991 and retired in December 2019. He held various pilotage related positions with the PLA including VTS port controller and pilot simulator training lead.
During his pilotage career he held the posts of Chairman of the United Kingdom Maritime Pilots’ Association and its Secretary General. During much of the same period he was a Technical Adviser to the executive management committee of the International Maritime Pilots’ Association (IMPA).
He also represented IMPA in various PIANC working groups, researching and producing reports on: the design of Harbour Approach channels; the integrity Maritime Simulators; Impacts of ships on fixed structures, Climate Change Adaptation planning for ports and Impacts of ships on fixed structures.
In addition to advisory work with a number of high level commercial bodies, he has held a number of posts with organisations engaged in training pilots world-wide. A long standing member of the CHIRP MAB, he is also a member of the MASRWG and the MCA chaired MASSpeople group.
Most recently he is volunteering with the charity Mercy Ships as a fund-raising speaker, awareness ambassador and maritime adviser to the UK management office, focussing on building relationships between the charity and the UK maritime community at all levels.

Dr. Jonathan Earthy
Human Factors Coordinator, Lloyd’s Register Foundation

Dr. Jonathan Earthy
Human Factors Coordinator, Lloyd’s Register Foundation
22 years’ experience as Principal Human Factors Specialist for Lloyd’s Register coordinating Human Factors/Ergonomics/Human Element technical capability and marine product development.
UK delegate for ISO TC159 since 1985, editing Human Centred design process standards.
Previously a Consultant for BP.

Robert Greenwood
Safety and Training Officer, National Federation of Fishermen`s Organisation (NFFO)

Robert Greenwood
Safety and Training Officer, National Federation of Fishermen`s Organisation (NFFO)
Appointed to help supply a safety culture within the fishing industry, Robert is responsible for liaising closely with the NFFOs partner organisations such as the Maritime and Coastguard Agency and the Department of Transport to ensure new safety legislation is practical for those working at sea.
Originally from a fishing family in Selsey, Robert joined the federation following 14 years as a sea safety instructor at industry authority, Seafish.

Nick Hough
International Marine Contractors Association

Nick Hough
International Marine Contractors Association
Nick supports the work of the IMCA Health, Safety, Security & Environment (HSSE) Committee. He holds a NEBOSH General Certificate in occupational safety and health and is responsible for all IMCA Safety Flashes and safety statistics, and for supporting the development of safety promotional material and guidance.
Before joining IMCA in January 2005, Nick had a career as a Chief Observer or senior survey engineer in offshore seismic survey. Nick has a degree in Physics and Geology and a HNC in Electronics and started work with Seismograph Service Ltd (SSL) in 1988, continuing to work offshore all over the world with Geco-Prakla and WesternGeco until 2004.

Dr. Claire Pekcan
Director, Safe Marine Ltd

Dr. Claire Pekcan
Director, Safe Marine Ltd
Dr Claire Pekcan is a Director of Safe Marine Ltd, a consultancy specialising in maritime human factors. Claire has a PhD in safety at sea from the University of London and a master’s degree in occupational psychology.
Formerly a Professor of Maritime Applied Psychology at Warsash Maritime Academy, she was a key member of the research team at Warsash for 20 years, and contributed to both HORIZON and MARTHA projects on seafarer fatigue. Claire sits on a number of shipping industry working groups, including the Human Element working Group (HEWG) of IMarEST, the Human Element Advisory Group (HEAG) of the UK MCA, and she is also a technical consultant to the Human Element sub-committee of Intertanko. She was an advisor to the UK delegation to the IMO sessions on the revision of the fatigue guidelines in 2016 and 2017.

Captain Hywel Jones Pugh MNI
Chairman UK Marine Pilot Association

Captain Hywel Jones Pugh MNI
Chairman UK Marine Pilot Association
Joined the Port of London as a trainee Pilot in Sept 1999, Authorised in February 2000. Prior to coming ashore worked as a Captain/Offshore Installation Manager on a Flotel North Sea and Gulf of Mexico.
My day job involves Piloting the largest vessels into the port and in the summer of 2020 Piloted the then largest Container vessel HMM Algeciras on its maiden voyage.
I am also a Simulator operator and Trainer and sit on the Ports training Panel.

Clive Rees
Marine Surveyor, Charles Taylor & Co

Clive Rees
Marine Surveyor, Charles Taylor & Co
A Master Mariner and Marine Surveyor with over 30 years sea-going experience in all ranks on Bulk Carriers, General Cargo and Tanker vessels, with over 18 years as Master on Cape and Gearbulk carriers and General Cargo vessels.
He has extensive ship-handling experience in a variety of different sized vessels and extensive experience in the loading, carriage and discharge of a wide range of Bulk and Break Bulk Cargoes.

Caleb Danladi

Caleb Danladi
Capt. Caleb Danladi is an experienced Master Mariner, highly skilled in Marine Operations, Port operations, Ship Management, and Offshore Operations, with more than 15 years’ experience in Maritime environment. Caleb Danladi worked both onboard LNG Tankers and Ashore as Assistant Marine Operations Superintendent before Starting a career as offshore Marine Terminal Mooring Master Pilot. He is a qualified UK MCA Master Mariner Unlimited Certificate of Competency, Registered Marine Technologist and Member of IMarEST (RMarTech), Associate Fellow of Nautical Institute (AFNI), Member of Institute of Chartered Ship Broker (MICS), Chartered Member Chartered Institute of Transport and Logistics (CMILT), and Associate Fellow UK Higher Education (AFHEA). Caleb is currently a PhD researcher at the University of Plymouth United Kingdom.

Dr. Suzanne Stannard

Dr. Suzanne Stannard
Sue gained her medical degree from the University of Birmingham in 1995 and has a clinical background in Acute Medicine, Anaesthetics/ITU and Paediatrics.
She worked as a Ship’s Doctor for P&O Princess and was later Medical Director at Carnival (UK) Cruise Lines with responsibility for the on board and shore side medical departments, all medical staff and the Public Health Department. Sue was also Medical Director (Assistance) at International SOS in London overseeing all medical assistance cases. These included evacuation and repatriation flights, monitoring of medical cases overseas and providing medical advice to leisure and business travellers, expats and companies.
Sue is currently a Consultant at the Norwegian Centre of Maritime and Diving Medicine in Bergen where her role includes the training of Doctors in assessment of the fitness of seafarers and offshore workers, international liaison with other maritime authorities within Northern Europe and research. She is also the Editor of the third edition of the Textbook of Maritime Health.

Steve Window

Steve Window
Steve joined Simwave in August 2017 after eight years at Warsash Maritime Academy, where he was head of bridge simulation. Having served for 21 years as an officer in the Royal Navy in a variety of roles, he still serves at sea as a reserve officer, where he assesses the Royal Marine Landing Craft Cadre in navigation.
With a wide portfolio of command and leadership experience, Steve served as the Queens Harbour Master (Portland), and spent a total of five years on the training and assessment staff of Flag Officer Sea Training. After a short diplomatic posting as a NATO consultant to the navies of the Baltic States, his last appointment in full-time service was as Head of Royal Navy diving training at the Defence Diving School.
In addition to being a qualified teacher and university lecturer, Steve completed his MSc in Leadership and Management in 2015 and is currently working towards his PhD in human error in the maritime domain with the Open University. He is a Member of the Honourable Company of Master Mariners, a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute and an Associate Fellow of the Royal institute of Navigation. He is also a panel member of the Maritime Advisory Board of CHIRP, an international confidential hazardous incident reporting programme that shares knowledge globally to improve maritime safety.

Elegene Elevado

Elegene Elevado
Elegene started his maritime education in John B. Lacson Foundation Maritime University – Arevalo Inc. under the Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation Program. He is a member of the 802nd Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps Unit – Arevalo and designated as Intelligence Officer (N2) during the 2022-2023 Academic Year. A consistent Dean’s lister and finished the BSMT course Classroom Instruction with flying colors. Currently, a Deck Cadet on Sea Cap Shipping, Inc. and pursuing advocacies that would help the maritime constituents especially students in the long-run

Captain John Wright
Managing Director, WrightWay

Captain John Wright
Managing Director, WrightWay
As a ship’s master and marine superintendent, he has first-hand experience of dealing with the adverse consequences of fatal accidents. He understands the importance of having an inclusive, proactive and company-wide safety culture, which more than fulfils the needs of retrospective legislation. His passion for safety is equalled by his desire for inclusive working practices to form the backbone of an organisation’s culture in the pursuit of business excellence.
Since founding WrightWay, his team has been delivering management and safety training courses as well as providing consultancy services worldwide for 15 years. Their clients are predominantly from the marine and oil industries, and include BC Ferries, the Carnival Cruise Corporation, V.Ships, BHP Billiton and Total Exploration & Drilling. The company has also worked for organisations in the pharmaceutical, aviation and construction sectors.

Nicholas Iodice

Nicholas Iodice
Nicholas is an accomplished Marine and Safety Manager, overseeing the operations of 6 container vessels from Dublin, Ireland. With a career spanning over a decade in shipping, serving as a Navigational Officer on container ships and advancing through roles that underscore his expertise in maritime safety, vessel management, and compliance with international regulations. His dedication to advancing maritime safety is underscored by his active participation in the Nautical Institute and the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers. Nicholas’s extensive role has not only afforded him a broad perspective on maritime operations but also allowed him to cultivate a vast network of professional contacts, positioning him as a strong advocate for safety and best practices within the maritime community

Anshul Kapoor

Anshul Kapoor
Captain Anshul is a Master working on container vessels and has a passion for improving maritime safety.

Viji Kurien

Viji Kurien
Viji has over 30 years’ experience in the maritime industry, including more than 20 years as a Chief Engineer on various vessel types and ashore.

Commander Nik Lucocq

Commander Nik Lucocq

Captain Andrew Parker

Captain Andrew Parker
Maritime Safety Consultant. Master Mariner. AFNI. Head of Maritime Standards Kilo Solutions Ltd. Former seagoing Master at Stena Line.
20 Years command experience on roro and ropax ferries in the North Sea. ISM Lead auditor. Bridge operations and safety management specialist.
A long career at sea, last commands two 240 metres new build ropax Ferries delivered from China to Europe in 2022.
I am a passionate and dedicated leader in maritime safety and standards with a strong following of maritime professionals on the LinkeDin platform.

Mike Pearson

Mike Pearson
A master mariner with almost 40 years of international experience working with some of the most respected names in the port, maritime and offshore construction sectors. 10 years at sea before being seconded ashore into container ship operations management. He has extensive experience in maritime management systems and risk and holds an MSc and MBA. He was recently CE of a unique ironsands slurry export port but has returned to maritime consulting, in which he has 20 years of experience. The consultancy specialises in risk, maritime management, compliance and investigation throughout the South Pacific

Jack Prendergast

Jack Prendergast
Jack is a Master 500gt and OOW Unlimited with Dangerous Cargo endorsement. He is currently the Master of a towing vessel with experience of working in several large UK ports

Naoki Saito

Naoki Saito
Naoki Saito is presently Head of Cyber Security and General Manager of Maritime Education and Training Certification Department in ClassNK headquarters in Tokyo. He received a B.Sc. in navigation systems from Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine in 1995 and was engaged in on-board training for maritime cadets at the National Institute for Sea Training. He received his Master Mariner certificate in 2001 and earned his M.Sc. in maritime affairs in 2004 from the World Maritime University in Sweden founded by the IMO. In 2013, he joined ClassNK to establish the certification services of maritime education and training.

Michael Walsh

Michael Walsh
I started my seafaring career in 2003 as a relief steward on a Ro-Pax ferry, working during the holidays while I studied for my marine engineering degree. I did my cadetship on oil and gas tankers and gained my OOW ticket in 2007. After a short stint in the cruise industry, I began working on large motor yachts and continued my career here for over twelve years. I have worked as Chief Engineer for the past four years. I have strived for safer working practices throughout my career, particularly through education, understanding and improved safeguards. Working in the super yacht industry has been eye-opening; not only in terms of the traditionally greater risk appetite but also in terms of the openness of management and crew to make real improvements to working practices. As part of my commitment to safety, I have worked with the RNLI to promote sea safety practices to the general public.

Denis Vuckovic

Denis Vuckovic
A Master Mariner with 22 years’ experience in the LNG and LPG industry in senior roles including 16 years as Master.

Dean Whitson

Dean Whitson
Dean is a professional yachtsman with 9 years of experience, specialising in motoryachts ranging between 60-80 metres. Throughout his career, he has been fortunate to gain extensive experience in challenging environments. With great fortune he has sailed across all the oceans and visited every continent in his career. He currently holds the position of Chief Officer on a private world cruising yacht. During his oral exam to become an officer, his examiner recognised his aptitude for safety and suggested that he pursue a career in this field. This recommendation deeply resonated, and lead him to approach CHIRP to become an ambassador.

Chris Andreason

Chris Andreason
Chris started his now 40 year maritime career in the Royal Navy where he first spent more than ten years, before moving into the world of vessel trials as Navigator and subsequently Trials Master for a UK shipyard.
He started his career on Superyachts in the mid nineties as Chief Mate before becoming Master, and has since completed 3 new builds and been in command of a further 3 busy charter and private yachts as sole operational Captain.
Nowadays his focus is on relief and delivery roles for seagoing time (35 yacht relief/delivery jobs completed to date), and on build/refit projects.
He believes strongly in crew training and career development hence his involvement in the CHIRP Superyacht Maritime Advisory Board.

Steve Monk

Steve Monk
Steve Monk is a Royal Naval Command qualified Specialist Navigator and the Managing Director of Da Gama Maritime, a company providing the highest level of navigation support and training to the Superyacht industry. With a passion for safety, he established the Superyacht Training Group to bring together like-minded companies for onboard crew training and is often found harassing Flag States to improve their standards and policies.

Alex Jones

Alex Jones
Alex is a qualified Master 3000 and is currently serving as Chief Officer onboard a 90m yacht. He has extensive experience having started as a deckhand and worked his way up over the past 10 + years, and can assist the team in bringing an insight into some of the activities and more yacht specific operations and how best to apply international shipping guidance specifically to the yachting sector and improve safety.

George Self

George Self
George is the Safety and Compliance Manager responsible for the implementation and development of operational compliance for yachts, having moved ashore from a 10 year service at sea on yachts, working both deck and interior. Her day-to-day activities focus on crew safety, and statutory compliance as well as auditing ISM/ ISPS and MLC.
George’s goal is to ensure crew are being educated and assisted in improving the safety culture in a demanding industry.

Greg Smith

Greg Smith
Greg is a Chief Engineer Unlimited who worked across various commercial industry sectors. He moved across to Yachting in 2014 and for the last 5 years, has worked in shipbuilding.