Team: Air Transport

  • Mark Brosnan
  • Peter Boston

    Peter Boston

    Growing up within a few miles of Biggin Hill Airfield, it was probably inevitable that I would spend much of my early teens as a cadet in the Air Training Corps. I was fortunate to gain my fixed wing PPL with the help of an RAF flying scholarship at Cinque Ports Flying Club, Lydd. However,…

  • Captain David Balmer

    Captain David Balmer

    David is an A380 line Captain with nearly 20,000 hours in his logbook, gained on A319/A320, A380, BAC1-11, DC-10, B737-200, B747-100/200, B757, B767 and B777-200/300 based at BHX, LGW and LHR. After a RAF flying scholarship and university, he switched careers and left chartered accountancy at Coopers & Lybrand (PWC nowadays) to join British Airways…

  • Chris Aplin
  • Dan Pryce

    Dan Pryce

    Dan Pryce started his aviation career learning to fly at EGSE – Ipswich Airport. An ambition to be a commercial pilot was furthered with an IMC and twin rating, but then he discovered air traffic control, or at least the GA equivalent, at the same time as running out of money for an ATPL. Dan…

  • Captain Chris Hanson

    Captain Chris Hanson

    Chris has been flying professionally since 1985 and has worked in a management role in British Airways since 2004.  In the Royal Air Force, he flew, and trained pilots, on the Hawk and Tornado F3.  In British Airways he has gained type ratings on the Boeing 737, 757, 767,777 and 787, he also has instructor ratings and…

  • Captain Ed Pooley

    Captain Ed Pooley

    Ed spent over 30 years as an airline pilot ending up at British Airways after much time in the independent sector.  As a young co-pilot, he was an active light aircraft instructor.  After becoming a line and later a Training Captain, he then led the implementation of integrated and independent oversight of operational safety and accident/serious incident…