Captain David Cox

David is a current A320 Captain, Type Rating Examiner (TRE) and Head of Training at Titan Airways.  He began his flying career in the Royal Air Force in 1983.  David served for 16 years flying primarily the C130 Hercules, he also completed a tour as a Qualified Flying Instructor teaching at basic flying training for ab-initio RAF pilots. 

This led to some time as a RAF Central Flying School staff instructor where he taught qualified military pilots from around the world to become flying instructors.  David’s final tour was as an instructor pilot and examiner back on the C130 Hercules.  He left the RAF in 1999 and joined Air2000 flying the A320.  As well as flying the line, David joined the Training Department as a Technical Training Pilot, CRM Instructor and latterly a Type Rating Instructor.  In 2009 he joined bacityflyer and flew the Embraer190 based at London City Airport moving into pilot management first as Pilot Manager and latterly as Head of Training.  David moved to his present position at Titan Airways in 2017 and back to the A320.

David lives in Hampshire with his wife Karen (a teacher) and their two children.  David’s son is in his final year at university and his daughter is in her A level year at sixth form college.  In his precious spare time, he enjoys sailing and his family obsession is skiing from which they are suffering a virus enforced two-year sabbatical!