Kirsten Riensema MSC, FRaeS

Kirsten has over 25 years’ experience in both the operational and regulatory areas of aviation, including safety and risk management. She started her career with British Airways, as a station duty manager and dispatcher in Philadelphia, New York, Atlanta and London Heathrow before joining the UK Civil Aviation Authority in 2005. She headed up the Aerodrome and Air Traffic Standards Division, responsible for setting policy and providing effective, risk-based and proportionate oversight to aerodrome and ATS providers and their related activities.  

Kirsten served as member of the ICAO Air Navigation Commission from 2015-2018, including as the First Vice President and the alternate Council Member for the United Kingdom on the ICAO Council. This enabled her to have a good appreciation and understanding of the inter-dependencies within the aviation system. Since her return she has been the Head of Strategic Relationships in the CAA’s International Group.